Posts tagged intense emotions
How to Deal with Frustration

Adults with low frustration tolerance find it difficult to cope with everyday irritations, and they often lash out at others, compromising their relationships. There are many techniques for increasing your patience which can be learned at any age.

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Boost Your Mental Immunity Through Reflection

Just as we can take steps to develop physical immunity, we can cultivate mental immunity as protection against suffering. Meditation and reflection can help lessen the intensity of negative thoughts and feelings.

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Working Through Trust Issues

Part of living optimistically, with hope, is to know that although some people are capable of hurting us deeply, most people are kind and true to their word, worthy of trust.

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How Active Listening Restores Calm

So often when we encounter people who are upset, in our desire to help, we unintentionally fan the flames. The first thing they need is to feel heard and to have their feelings validated. Active listening techniques can help.

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