Posts tagged reflection
The Quest to Discover Our Authentic Selves

The armor we often wear with others in order to protect ourselves can actually keep us from enjoying healthy relationships. Therapy can help us drop our shields so we can connect with others in more meaningful ways.

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How to Keep Imposter Syndrome from Thwarting Your Dreams

Shame can cause us to inaccurately assess our skills, making us feel like imposters. When we learn to embrace all the parts of our personalities, including those that make us feel uncomfortable, we can feel whole and real again.

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The Courage to Imagine

The new year offers a wonderful time for reflection. As we get older, it’s easy to get set in our ways. But if we can find the courage we had when we were little children, we can embrace new roles and begin exciting new adventures at any age.

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The Benefits of Self-Reflection

Quiet time alone with ourselves provides unique opportunities for understanding and self-awareness. Self-reflection improves our relationships, produces a greater sense of self, and enhances decision-making skills.

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Boost Your Mental Immunity Through Reflection

Just as we can take steps to develop physical immunity, we can cultivate mental immunity as protection against suffering. Meditation and reflection can help lessen the intensity of negative thoughts and feelings.

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