Personal growth is central to every stage of our lives. As much as we’ve learned, we know we have more work to do in terms of our self-awareness. I’m grateful we’re on this journey together.
Read MoreIf we stay openminded and openhearted, we can learn a lot from others, especially those who are very different from us. Becoming curious is the key to making this happen.
Read MoreWe tend not to place a lot of importance on brief social interactions, but studies show that friendly encounters with strangers can actually improve our mental health, making us feel more happy and optimistic.
Read MoreThe viewpoint that humankind is essentially self-serving is not supported by science. Rather, our negativity bias causes us to focus on dramatic headlines that highlight appalling behavior. We can offset this by looking for examples of goodness around us.
Read MoreIt’s hard to be positive during tough times. Even if it doesn’t come naturally to us, we can learn to adopt a more cheerful demeanor.
Read MoreJust as we can take steps to develop physical immunity, we can cultivate mental immunity as protection against suffering. Meditation and reflection can help lessen the intensity of negative thoughts and feelings.
Read MorePart of living optimistically, with hope, is to know that although some people are capable of hurting us deeply, most people are kind and true to their word, worthy of trust.
Read MoreTo a certain extent, we are in control of how we view the world. Instead of approaching life from a fearful stance, we can take steps to increase the likelihood of positive outcomes, and expand our capacity to handle disappointment when things don’t go our way.
Read MoreWe can take steps to deliberately shift our mentality to be more in line with what the research shows helps people to realize their innate potential for joy.
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