Posts tagged joy
The Benefits of Sympathetic Joy

It’s not always easy to be happy for others when they share good news. Learning to do so can improve our relationships and benefit us in other ways as well.

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It's Time to Get Creative!

So often when we envision ourselves doing something artistic, after our initial excitement, we start to worry that it won’t be good enough. When we express our light within, we get to experience the sheer joy that comes from creating, and we inspire others to explore their own talents.

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Gratitude Provides a Path to Happiness

Our brains are wired to notice negative events. We can compensate for that tendency by looking for and noticing all there is to be grateful for in our lives.

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Accentuating the Positive

Both anxiety and excitement can give us the sensation of having butterflies in our stomach. When we can’t discern which we’re feeling, it often serves us better to lean into the most positive interpretation.

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