Posts tagged gratitude
Using the Right Tool for the Job

When it comes to our interactions with others, much as we’d rather believe our frustrations are all their fault, there’s a lot of work to do on our side as well. We sometimes forget to use the emotional tools we already have at our disposal.

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Gratitude Provides a Path to Happiness

Our brains are wired to notice negative events. We can compensate for that tendency by looking for and noticing all there is to be grateful for in our lives.

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To Improve your Relationships, try Focusing on the Little Things

By taking note and writing down the daily kindnesses our partners show us, we can diminish our irritation and increase our positive feelings towards them.

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To Reveal, or not to Reveal

The decision about whether to confide in someone requires courage. But if you choose to open up to a trusted friend, it can deepen your connection, and lead to increased intimacy.

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How to Handle Unwanted Advice

If we respond to unwanted advice with a brief “thank you,” acknowledging the well-meaning gift that’s been offered to us, it can create an opening for us to consider another point of view.

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