Posts tagged trust
Using the Right Tool for the Job

When it comes to our interactions with others, much as we’d rather believe our frustrations are all their fault, there’s a lot of work to do on our side as well. We sometimes forget to use the emotional tools we already have at our disposal.

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In Reality, Kindness and Cooperation Abound

The viewpoint that humankind is essentially self-serving is not supported by science. Rather, our negativity bias causes us to focus on dramatic headlines that highlight appalling behavior. We can offset this by looking for examples of goodness around us.

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Working Through Trust Issues

Part of living optimistically, with hope, is to know that although some people are capable of hurting us deeply, most people are kind and true to their word, worthy of trust.

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Owning Your Talents

Sometimes we forget to look at all the good we do, and to own all the things we do right. It is never too late to work on your self-confidence.

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