Posts tagged journey
The Quest to Discover Our Authentic Selves

The armor we often wear with others in order to protect ourselves can actually keep us from enjoying healthy relationships. Therapy can help us drop our shields so we can connect with others in more meaningful ways.

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How to Handle Regret

Life doesn’t give us the chance to go back and redo what’s already been done. We can ease our feelings of regret by having self-compassion for our mistakes and apologizing to those we’ve harmed, freeing up emotional energy for our relationships going forward.

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The Journey Within

It can be scary to look inside ourselves. If you make a plan, enlist a companion, and prepare for the unexpected, it can lead to increased energy and greater self-awareness.

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The Miracle of Us

No matter how similar we may feel to someone else, or how much we may strive to be like someone else, each us is perfectly unique. If we are not genuine, we lose our one chance to contribute to the world what only we can.

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The Path to Healing

As a nation, we’re having honest conversations about difficult topics. Growing pains are hard. We know we can’t go back. We have to press on, hoping and praying that we will emerge with greater clarity, empathy, and awareness.

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Owning Your Talents

Sometimes we forget to look at all the good we do, and to own all the things we do right. It is never too late to work on your self-confidence.

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