Posts tagged therapy
Recognizing Projection in Ourselves and Others

Defense mechanisms can help us face anxieties and situations that might normally cause us stress. Projection involves misattributing our thoughts and feelings to another person. Therapy can help us identify the root causes of this behavior.

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The Quest to Discover Our Authentic Selves

The armor we often wear with others in order to protect ourselves can actually keep us from enjoying healthy relationships. Therapy can help us drop our shields so we can connect with others in more meaningful ways.

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How to Keep Imposter Syndrome from Thwarting Your Dreams

Shame can cause us to inaccurately assess our skills, making us feel like imposters. When we learn to embrace all the parts of our personalities, including those that make us feel uncomfortable, we can feel whole and real again.

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Choosing a Different View

It’s not so much what happens to us in life that causes us to be anxious, but how we view it. Focusing on our worst fears robs us of precious moments that we can never get back.

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The Journey Within

It can be scary to look inside ourselves. If you make a plan, enlist a companion, and prepare for the unexpected, it can lead to increased energy and greater self-awareness.

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Dig Deep for True Emotional Healing

It can be tempting to take shortcuts when it comes to our mental health. Putting in the effort to explore past experiences that continue to affect our lives and relationships can set us up for long-lasting healing.

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Showing Compassion to our Shadow Selves

Each of us has some parts of our personalities we’re not proud of. Rather than try to shun our “shadow selves,” we can integrate them back into our core self by becoming curious about their origins, and showing them compassion.

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The Path to Healing

As a nation, we’re having honest conversations about difficult topics. Growing pains are hard. We know we can’t go back. We have to press on, hoping and praying that we will emerge with greater clarity, empathy, and awareness.

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