Posts tagged emotions
The Quest to Discover Our Authentic Selves

The armor we often wear with others in order to protect ourselves can actually keep us from enjoying healthy relationships. Therapy can help us drop our shields so we can connect with others in more meaningful ways.

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Healing our Relationships Using Conscious Communication

In our frustration with others, it's easy to assume that they are the cause of our relationship conflicts. But conflict can resolve spontaneously when we take the time to ask questions and understand fully why other people are doing what they’re doing.

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How to Be a Finisher

Often we give up on projects when we get stuck and can’t figure out what the next step is. Setting aside our embarrassment and asking for help is the surest way to bring a project to completion.

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When There are No Words for Your Feelings

People with a condition called alexithymia have trouble identifying, processing, and expressing their emotions. If it is a learned response rather than a genetic disorder, information and support can help them expand their emotional awareness.

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