Posts tagged psychology
Recognizing Projection in Ourselves and Others

Defense mechanisms can help us face anxieties and situations that might normally cause us stress. Projection involves misattributing our thoughts and feelings to another person. Therapy can help us identify the root causes of this behavior.

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The Courage to Imagine

The new year offers a wonderful time for reflection. As we get older, it’s easy to get set in our ways. But if we can find the courage we had when we were little children, we can embrace new roles and begin exciting new adventures at any age.

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Choosing a Different View

It’s not so much what happens to us in life that causes us to be anxious, but how we view it. Focusing on our worst fears robs us of precious moments that we can never get back.

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Owning Your Talents

Sometimes we forget to look at all the good we do, and to own all the things we do right. It is never too late to work on your self-confidence.

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Finding Your Calm

Worry, stress, and anxiety are separate conditions. It can be helpful to discern which you are experiencing. Activities that distract your mind and calm your body can make you feel better.

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