Posts tagged trauma
When There are No Words for Your Feelings

People with a condition called alexithymia have trouble identifying, processing, and expressing their emotions. If it is a learned response rather than a genetic disorder, information and support can help them expand their emotional awareness.

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Accentuating the Positive

Both anxiety and excitement can give us the sensation of having butterflies in our stomach. When we can’t discern which we’re feeling, it often serves us better to lean into the most positive interpretation.

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Healing the World Through Compassion

Human suffering is inevitable, but it is highly distressing to watch. Compassion for those in pain can serve as an antidote and compel us to help wherever we can.

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Finding Your Calm

Worry, stress, and anxiety are separate conditions. It can be helpful to discern which you are experiencing. Activities that distract your mind and calm your body can make you feel better.

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