Posts tagged empathy
The Benefits of Sympathetic Joy

It’s not always easy to be happy for others when they share good news. Learning to do so can improve our relationships and benefit us in other ways as well.

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Healing the World Through Compassion

Human suffering is inevitable, but it is highly distressing to watch. Compassion for those in pain can serve as an antidote and compel us to help wherever we can.

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The Path to Healing

As a nation, we’re having honest conversations about difficult topics. Growing pains are hard. We know we can’t go back. We have to press on, hoping and praying that we will emerge with greater clarity, empathy, and awareness.

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To Reveal, or not to Reveal

The decision about whether to confide in someone requires courage. But if you choose to open up to a trusted friend, it can deepen your connection, and lead to increased intimacy.

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