Posts tagged relationships
The Quest to Discover Our Authentic Selves

The armor we often wear with others in order to protect ourselves can actually keep us from enjoying healthy relationships. Therapy can help us drop our shields so we can connect with others in more meaningful ways.

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Using the Right Tool for the Job

When it comes to our interactions with others, much as we’d rather believe our frustrations are all their fault, there’s a lot of work to do on our side as well. We sometimes forget to use the emotional tools we already have at our disposal.

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Healing our Relationships Using Conscious Communication

In our frustration with others, it's easy to assume that they are the cause of our relationship conflicts. But conflict can resolve spontaneously when we take the time to ask questions and understand fully why other people are doing what they’re doing.

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How Boundaries Help Us Navigate Relationships: Part III

It can be hard to set limits on the behavior of others, even when it is adversely affecting us. Direct communication, with appropriate boundaries, can not only improve relationships, it can sometimes save them.

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When There are No Words for Your Feelings

People with a condition called alexithymia have trouble identifying, processing, and expressing their emotions. If it is a learned response rather than a genetic disorder, information and support can help them expand their emotional awareness.

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When in Doubt, Extend Grace

When we believe someone has wronged us, we often make judgments without having all the facts. Giving them the benefit of the doubt can positively affect both our relationship with them and our worldview.

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The Benefits of Self-Reflection

Quiet time alone with ourselves provides unique opportunities for understanding and self-awareness. Self-reflection improves our relationships, produces a greater sense of self, and enhances decision-making skills.

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