Posts tagged stress
Recognizing Projection in Ourselves and Others

Defense mechanisms can help us face anxieties and situations that might normally cause us stress. Projection involves misattributing our thoughts and feelings to another person. Therapy can help us identify the root causes of this behavior.

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When You Feel Like You’re Not Doing Enough

We all have times when we feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day. Acknowledging our feelings, setting more realistic expectations, and focusing on what we have accomplished can help.

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How to Deal with Frustration

Adults with low frustration tolerance find it difficult to cope with everyday irritations, and they often lash out at others, compromising their relationships. There are many techniques for increasing your patience which can be learned at any age.

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Caring for the Sandwich Generation

Caregivers in the “sandwich generation” can easily become overwhelmed with their responsibilities. Many are unaware of the numerous sources of help and support available. It’s important for caregivers to take care of themselves, too.

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When in Doubt, Extend Grace

When we believe someone has wronged us, we often make judgments without having all the facts. Giving them the benefit of the doubt can positively affect both our relationship with them and our worldview.

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Boost Your Mental Immunity Through Reflection

Just as we can take steps to develop physical immunity, we can cultivate mental immunity as protection against suffering. Meditation and reflection can help lessen the intensity of negative thoughts and feelings.

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