Posts tagged negativity
How to Deal with Frustration

Adults with low frustration tolerance find it difficult to cope with everyday irritations, and they often lash out at others, compromising their relationships. There are many techniques for increasing your patience which can be learned at any age.

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Days Like These

Bad days happen to everyone. There are many good options for turning them around including honoring our feelings, reframing our negative thoughts, looking for the positive, and learning to laugh things off.

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Choosing a Different View

It’s not so much what happens to us in life that causes us to be anxious, but how we view it. Focusing on our worst fears robs us of precious moments that we can never get back.

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Gratitude Provides a Path to Happiness

Our brains are wired to notice negative events. We can compensate for that tendency by looking for and noticing all there is to be grateful for in our lives.

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Challenging Your Own Ideas

When thinking about a new endeavor, consider making a list of all the reasons you can’t do it, and then proving yourself wrong. Identifying the potential obstacles of any project up front gives us a better chance of success.

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