Posts in Posts by Elaine
When Kids go off to College—The Myths vs. The Reality

Sending a child off to college evokes complicated emotions, including sadness and anxiety. In time, most parents adjust, and begin to take advantage of their newfound freedom to explore their own opportunities for growth.

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Turn Inward to Rediscover Yourself

Being too other-focused comes at a cost. It is only when we become still and listen that we can return to ourselves and discover the next right thing.

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Boost Your Mental Immunity Through Reflection

Just as we can take steps to develop physical immunity, we can cultivate mental immunity as protection against suffering. Meditation and reflection can help lessen the intensity of negative thoughts and feelings.

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Showing Compassion to our Shadow Selves

Each of us has some parts of our personalities we’re not proud of. Rather than try to shun our “shadow selves,” we can integrate them back into our core self by becoming curious about their origins, and showing them compassion.

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