No matter how well we think we know a person, we can’t know everything that has happened to them. It can be fun and rewarding to learn more. Sometimes, all it takes is for us to ask.
Read MoreIf we stay openminded and openhearted, we can learn a lot from others, especially those who are very different from us. Becoming curious is the key to making this happen.
Read MoreIt’s not always easy to be happy for others when they share good news. Learning to do so can improve our relationships and benefit us in other ways as well.
Read MoreDefense mechanisms can help us face anxieties and situations that might normally cause us stress. Projection involves misattributing our thoughts and feelings to another person. Therapy can help us identify the root causes of this behavior.
Read MoreCompetition has its place in society, but it’s not healthy to constantly compare ourselves to others. We are more likely to improve when we focus on our personal goals and celebrate our own accomplishments instead of trying to best others.
Read MoreThe armor we often wear with others in order to protect ourselves can actually keep us from enjoying healthy relationships. Therapy can help us drop our shields so we can connect with others in more meaningful ways.
Read MoreWhether we are sorting through our belongings or mining our life experiences for stories, so often, less is more. Reflecting on our values can help us decide what to release and what to hold onto.
Read MoreVenting about issues can temporarily relieve our frustration, but we can make an actual difference if we choose one thing that most concerns us and work toward a solution to it.
Read MoreWhen we’re discouraged about the state of the world, it’s easy to forget all the good that people are capable of when we have a common goal.
Read MoreIn the spirit of mindfulness, it’s important to pay close attention to every aspect of our daily lives and to express our appreciation to the people who serve us in myriad ways throughout the year.
Read MoreGuided meditation has many benefits, including stress reduction, anxiety management, and improved sleep. Children can benefit from it as well.
Read MoreIn our tumultuous world, family connections are increasingly important. At every stage in the life cycle of a family, we can extend care to each other, which bolsters peaceful, happy interactions.
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