Posts in Posts by Elaine
Effective Decision Making Requires Getting Centered

When decision making is difficult, unconscious limiting thoughts may be getting in the way. Taking the time to get centered helps quiet the competing voices in our heads so we can determine the best choice.

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To Improve your Relationships, try Focusing on the Little Things

By taking note and writing down the daily kindnesses our partners show us, we can diminish our irritation and increase our positive feelings towards them.

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The Path to Healing

As a nation, we’re having honest conversations about difficult topics. Growing pains are hard. We know we can’t go back. We have to press on, hoping and praying that we will emerge with greater clarity, empathy, and awareness.

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How to Cultivate More Optimism

To a certain extent, we are in control of how we view the world. Instead of approaching life from a fearful stance, we can take steps to increase the likelihood of positive outcomes, and expand our capacity to handle disappointment when things don’t go our way.

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Owning Your Talents

Sometimes we forget to look at all the good we do, and to own all the things we do right. It is never too late to work on your self-confidence.

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