Posts in Posts by Elaine
How to Handle Unwanted Advice

If we respond to unwanted advice with a brief “thank you,” acknowledging the well-meaning gift that’s been offered to us, it can create an opening for us to consider another point of view.

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How to be Yourself

Our personalities are formed in part as a reaction to our early environments. The Enneagram model can help us understand our acquired personality traits, and provide a pathway for growth so that we can get closer to our true essence.

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Finding Your Calm

Worry, stress, and anxiety are separate conditions. It can be helpful to discern which you are experiencing. Activities that distract your mind and calm your body can make you feel better.

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How our Stress Language Affects our Relationships

We all have different reactions to stress. There are healthy ways to manage our stress that don’t involve taking it out on others, especially those for whom we care the most.

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