Posts in Posts by Elaine
In Reality, Kindness and Cooperation Abound

The viewpoint that humankind is essentially self-serving is not supported by science. Rather, our negativity bias causes us to focus on dramatic headlines that highlight appalling behavior. We can offset this by looking for examples of goodness around us.

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It's Time to Get Creative!

So often when we envision ourselves doing something artistic, after our initial excitement, we start to worry that it won’t be good enough. When we express our light within, we get to experience the sheer joy that comes from creating, and we inspire others to explore their own talents.

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How to Handle Regret

Life doesn’t give us the chance to go back and redo what’s already been done. We can ease our feelings of regret by having self-compassion for our mistakes and apologizing to those we’ve harmed, freeing up emotional energy for our relationships going forward.

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The Journey Within

It can be scary to look inside ourselves. If you make a plan, enlist a companion, and prepare for the unexpected, it can lead to increased energy and greater self-awareness.

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When in Doubt, Extend Grace

When we believe someone has wronged us, we often make judgments without having all the facts. Giving them the benefit of the doubt can positively affect both our relationship with them and our worldview.

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Gratitude Provides a Path to Happiness

Our brains are wired to notice negative events. We can compensate for that tendency by looking for and noticing all there is to be grateful for in our lives.

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